Want More? Simple Features Increase Lake House Values
The rocky real estate market is trending upward, so let's discuss maximizing your home value before selling:
One truth about real estate that has never changed is that you need a LOCAL realtor to advise you on what works for your specific community . . .
Waterfront home values =
Waves: Up to 70% of a lake home's value is in the "waterfront footage." Improve your seawall, dock, and deck(s) for maximum appeal . . . remember, your client may arrive to view your home by boat.
Flooring: Think "waterproof" on the main level (tile, engineered hardwood, even laminate is perferred over carpet). Companies have come a long way with flooring in the last 5 years. You might be surprised with the selection and costs of new flooring.
Landscaping: A lake home's waterfront is the "front yard." You'll have more boat traffic than road traffic. Thing "fewer but bigger" shrubbery, trees, and grasses. A pop of color in plants that coincides with deck furniture--pillows and umbrellas can really pull a property's waterfront curb appeal together.
Staging: Think fun! There are so many inexpensive, whimsical ways to decorate . . . children's art, fishing poles, driftwood, maps, fishing-lure-in-a-shadowbox . . . potential buyers eat it up.
Simplicity: Second-home buyers look for low-maintenance and a "cabin" feel. It's a "get away from work" spot. Clear off those counters and corners. It communicates a fun, relaxed, sought-after lifestyle . . . 'cause it is.