Free Love Lake Martin Sellers Kit-All you need!
So you are considering selling your Lake Martin home? Now's a great time to jump in the market or get ready for the 2016 spring real estate fever. To get your house into shape, I've pulled together a kit of referrals for the services you need. Coupons, too!
Your kit includes recommendations for experienced professionals who can provide the updates and improvements you may need, such as . . .
a contractor
a decorator
a plumber
a real estate agent (that's me) to coordinate it all and advise you
Stop wondering what you need to do. This helpful team knows what to do--and not to do--so you can increase the potential for a quick sale and the best return on your investment.
And you'll receive some paint and other decorating supplies coupons.
Remember that selling a lake home is different. Avoid the mistakes.
Fill out the contact form and put "Free seller kit" in the subject line or call me at 205-616-8046. Expires April 15, 2016.
Offer expires on April 1, 2016.